Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How do you apply Seraphim's Peel & Bleach Cream?

When applying straight Tretinoin or Seraphim's Peel and
Bleach Cream, use about the size of a quarter
of the product for the entire face. Using our
“Seraphim Technique”, glom the product on
the forehead, glom on the outer cheeks, then
borrow from these areas and sweep the
product inward. With this revolutionary yet
common - sense technique you are introducing
the product slowly to the more sensitive
areas of your face.

In the beginning apply your Peel
and Bleach Cream 3 consecutive nights on, 3 consecutive nights off. On your nights off you may apply your Seraphim Indulgence Cream or your Seraphim Hydrating Cream Concentrate. Use your common sense. If you become extremely red and irritated around the mouth and chin, (as most do in the first few weeks of the program) then simply coat those tender areas with your Seraphim Indulgence moisturizer at night before you begin applying your Peel and Bleach Cream. LEAVE THE PEEL AND BLEACH OFF THOSE TENDER AREAS FOR 48 HOURS. But absolutely continue the Peel and Bleach on the perimeter of your face: forehead, outer cheeks, chest, and finally the neck. After the first 2 weeks of use, call or come by Seraphim Skin Care and let us continue to guide you on your protocol and next step. Usually at this point we will instruct you to slow down the Peel and Bleach Cream to 2-3 nights a week, sometimes adding moisturizer to the program at night. Of course your protocol will depend not on how YOU think your skin looks but on how many compliments you are receiving. Call us at:1- 800-884-8408 or locally at 404-266-0531 for appropiate instructions regarding your skin.

Micro dermabrasion-A very expensive way to exfoliate your skin.

The VIC cloth is the perfect manual surface
exfoliant. Because of the quality and
weave of this cotton washcloth, surface skin
cells are sloughed off and skin is left with a
beautiful healthy glow. This specialized cotton
is grown and woven in England and during
WWII it was a bandage used to bind the
wounds of soldiers. Because of its phenomenal
exfoliating properties wounds healed
quickly, cleanly, and healthy. Feel free to scrub
your body aggressively with the VIC cloth
and more gently on the face. Remember:
Use the Seraphim Technique when exfoliating
your face. Work more aggressively from
the perimeter of your face inwards: very, very gently around the mouth, chin, eye area, and neck.
DON"T avoid these areas,
simply be more gentle until your skin builds
up a tolerance to the exfoliation process.!